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PharMerica, a national long-term care pharmacy and part of the SinguLab Partner Network, is set to present a Product Theater titled “Pharmacogenomics: Medication Risk Management for Long-Term Care” and share information about their relationship with SinguLab and the importance of PGx testing in long-term care. See below for more information on the session and a link to register for the McKnight’s Product Theater.

Pharmacogenomics: Medication Risk Management for Long-Term Care

More than four billion drugs are prescribed annually. Many of these drugs do not work as intended, and over two million prescriptions in the U.S. result in an adverse reaction. While clinical trials on prescription drugs can determine data such as recommended dosages for the population involved, this approach assumes that most individuals share genomes that enable them to process drugs at a similar rate and in a similar manner. However, genetic variation can significantly impact individual responses to medications.

Pharmacogenomics is the study of drug-genome interactions and their clinical implications. This form of precision medicine looks for genetic markers that indicate how a resident might respond to a drug, which can help facilities identify, monitor, and manage potential issues associated with resident medications. This event will explain the practice of pharmacogenomics, its benefits to facilities and residents, and PharMerica’s partnership with Singulab to offer risk assessments and testing to help clients reduce adverse events, lower costs, and improve outcomes.

Speaker: Stephen Creasy, Director of Clinical Services, PharMerica

Register for the Product Theater here.

For more information on PharMerica’s inclusion in the SinguLab Partner Network, read the press release here.